Who is this mystery stoner??? Well never tell.
Who is this mystery stoner??? We'll never tell. Matt Cardy/Getty Images

We received the following letter from a reader, in reference to Frances MacGregor's article "Have a Super High Tolerance? Here's How to Get More Bang for Your Bong."

The piece appears in print in our fall 2017/winter 2018 Green Guide (on stands now).


I wanted to drop a line directly to MacGregor, but I can't find his contact information. While I enjoyed his article featured in this quarter's Green Guide, I felt that dabs were misrepresented. MacGregor concluded that he needed $500 for a standard rig and setup. My rig was $30 from a wholesale glass shop online. I bought my torch for $30 from a smoke shop on the Ave. When Uncle Ike's has a good sale, you can snag nearly a week's worth of dabs for $15. $75 is a significantly lower initial investment, making dabs readily available to basically anyone.

Additionally, MacGregor seems to have overlooked the most common solution to high tolerance: tolerance breaks, or as they are more commonly referred to, "t-breaks." The majority of frequent cannabis users that I know take t-breaks ranging in length from one day to several months. After an extended t-break, your tolerance will be temporarily lowered.

Hoping this information will help someone else looking to invest in dabs and/or make the most of their cannabis use. Always love reading The Stranger.


Dear Emily,

Thanks for reading The Stranger. The reason you can't find MacGregor's contact information is that he does not exist. Frances MacGregor is a pseudonym for a female Stranger writer who doesn't want her parents to know how much weed she smokes. Not that she's ashamed of it or anything, but they will call. "Frances" doesn't need that.

But to your points.

1) You write that "MacGregor seems to have overlooked the most common solution to high tolerance: tolerance breaks, or as they are more commonly referred to, 't-breaks.'" We are guessing you were too stoned to read to the end, because MacGregor writes about tolerance breaks in the final paragraph: "The best way to lower your tolerance, after all, is simple: Don't smoke so damn much." In other words, take a t-break.

Asked how that's working out for her, MacGregor says: "Obviously tolerance breaks are the best/only means of resetting your tolerance, which is why I've recently instituted what I'm calling the '4/20' plan: four days off, 20 days on. Or, at least, I'm going to implement it next week. Maybe the week after."

2) You also mention the price of dab rigs. That's a fair point! MacGregor's neighbor's dab rig cost him between $400 and $500, but they don't necessarily cost that much. MacGregor further admits it is possible she misheard her neighbor. Does she even have a neighbor? Sometimes after dabbing it's hard to remember anything. But following up with her neighbor today, MacGregor confirmed that yes, he does exist, and yes, he spent between $400-$500 on his dab rig and butane torch, but that doesn't mean you have to spend between $400-$500 on your dab rig. MacGregor's neighbor's rig was certainly on the high end. Since you mentioned Uncle Ike's, we called the Unkle Ike's Glass & Goods store next door and they said their dab rigs start as low as $45.

MacGregor appreciates your feedback, and we regret her error in not making it clear you don't have to be rich to get high as fuck.