The Rhino Room

1535 11th Ave
Seattle, WA 98122
(206) 258-3900
(Karyanne T./Yelp)
The Rhino Room is a huge bar/club on Capitol Hill with lots of kingly booths, sky-high ceilings, and a decor scheme you might call neo-deco-Egypto-minimalism, including a very pretty gold-leaf wall, inverted-pyramid light fixtures, mirrored pillars, and a subtly glittering rhinoceros surrounded by palm fronds. Good sandwiches made on Macrina bread are served, and it's airy and pleasant, though later on Thursday, Friday, or Saturday night, it's parrrr-tay central. The Rhino is brought to you by Patric Gabre-Kidan (formerly front-of-house/business-side-guy at the Book Bindery and various Ethan Stowell enterprises) and friends (including former Big Mario's and Summer Dog people).

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