Film/TV Jun 20, 2024 at 4:43 pm

Goodnight, Sutherland. I Will Always Remember You.

Donald is no more... Hulton Archive / Stringer/Getty Images



I liked seeing his bare butt in "Animal House".


I liked seeing him get high ( with the rest of the cast ) In M*A*S*H.


and I liked seeing
him (and Elliot) have
the whaco religionist
rightwingnutjob Removed
from the premises in a fucking
straight-jacket in M~A~S~H the movie

if only they
couldda done
Congress as well


@1 Catalina Vel-DuRay, @2 AgentSmith2, and @3 kristofarian +3 for the WIN!!!

I loved Donald Sutherland in the abovementioned movies, and as Calvin Jarrett in Ordinary People, based on Judith Guest's bestselling novel, with Mary Tyler Moore, Judd Hirsch, and Timothy Hutton in his Best Supporting Actor role of Conrad Jarrett. Robert Redford won the Oscar for Best Director. The 1980 film won four Oscars, including Best Picture and Alvin Sargent won for Best Adapted Screenplay.
Rest in peace, Donald Sutherland. A truly amazing actor. My condolences to his son Keifer, family, friends, and loved ones.


Earlier today I was trying to recall all the films I'd seen him in, and I totally forget "A Dry White Season," which also gave Marlon Brando a pretty good supporting role (though as I remember the film itself was a bit, um, dry). Thanks Charles for the fascinating personal anecdote.

What may have been Sutherland's best-ever scene was in a minor role in "JFK":

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